I was fasting yesterday, alhamdulilah completed 4 days, 2 more days to go...Sempat ker nie...
My better half was asking me what do I feel like having for Iftar. I was actually exhausted, the LRT gave me a double trouble yesterday, once during my way to work and another time was during on my way back...And on the way back was the worst!!!
So, he suggested, let's go to Smokehouse Steamboat. This will be our second time to the place. The first time was a pleasant experience so we hope the second one will be as pleasant as the first.
I arrived at Kelana Jaya station 10 minutes to 7pm, and iftar time is also 7pm. However, my better half was stuck in traffic so he arrived only at 7.15pm. While waiting for him, I had air kotak for buka puasa.
We stopped at a nearby mosque after that for maghrib prayers then headed to Smokehouse place. And alhamdulilah, it did not dissapoint us.
The cuties enjoyed themselves as well especially on the desert, ice cream free flow tu...
Now the review...
Taste - 4 - Love the food there, for the price that we are paying, memang best!!
Location - 4 - easy access since we were in KJ
Service - 4- Friendly and fast
Price - 4 - worth the money..
Urrghhhh kenyang, better solat isya' dulu, ada yg tertidur tak solat nie...
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